Built-in unFuckXcode!

look triple-G, just like I told you about 2 weeks ago, Xcode has a built in unFuck button in the Organizer!

Xcode organizer screenshot

Since then I’ve found a couple other ways to unFuck Xcode.

AppCode logo

AppCode is an IDE for Objective-C developers building native Cocoa apps for MacOS X or iOS who strive for higher coding productivity and better code quality.

AppCode looks like a very nice editor for all your .m and .h files, but it still relies on Xcode for Interface Builder and datamodel editor.  AppCode is able to run/debug your app in the iOS simulator and should work on devices as well.  It has some very nice ReSharper like features!

Sublime Text logo

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose. You’ll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.

I’ve been using Sublime Text as my preferred text editor for a while because I can run it on any of my computers (Mac/Linux/Windows).  It works great for just editing a single file but it misses a lot of stuff that AppCode can provide.

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